Serve Locally


Serve Locally

Serving Locally

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.  1 Peter 4:10            

 We have all received different gifts from God. The purpose of these gifts is not to bring about our own gain, but rather for furthering His kingdom. As managers of these gifts, we are called to serve. 

At Good Shepherd, we realize we all have different gifts and therefore service will look different for different individuals. A wide-array of opportunities are always available, and we encourage you to pursue new avenues of service if you feel so called! Whether you're new to serving or your volunteering resume is lengthy, young or old, weak or strong, there are opportunities where God can use you to serve this community!

We strongly believe that it is not by accident that we all are placed in this community. We actively seek ways that we can join Jesus in the work He is already doing in this community.  We have many ongoing service opportunities  (some that are weekly, others that are monthly) as well as relationships with other service partners that we occasionally or annually work with. Most questions about service can be directed to Sara Eustice-Brown unless otherwise noted.

Ongoing Service

Sew-in-Love - This group meets each Monday to make quilts for the homeless, ill, graduates, new babies, and more.

Outpost Monthly Dinners: Once a month we collect donations to a local Safe Stay Community for people experiencing unsheltered homelessness, called Outpost. 

Emerald Elementary: We have a partnership with a local school, near the church. Our involvement includes a variety of things from supporting their clothing closet, providing Thanksgiving food boxes, and Christmas gifts to families in need, teacher appreciation items, and serving in person at the school. 

Open House Ministry Adopt-a-Room: Periodically we collect items to furnish a studio apartment at a local homeless shelter, for someone who is moving in off the street into transitional housing. 

Friends of the Carpenter – For almost two decades this organization has strived to get the homeless of Vancouver off the streets, providing literally hands-on training in word-working with a cadre of volunteers. Also laundry and shower facilities are made available at their location at 1600 W 20th St. Vancouver.

Non-Profit Partners

At Good Shepherd, we stay in close contact with many local non-profits. Sometimes our service looks the same each time. In other instances, the opportunities may change each time we work with a partner. Keep an eye on the calendar for upcoming opportunities. In the mean time, check out the sites for some of our partners to find out more about their work and ways to get involved!

Birch Community Services
Oregon Food Bank
Union Gospel Mission
Children's Book Bank