Serve Globally


Serve Globally

Serve Globally

Serving Globally

“You shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”  Acts 1:8            

How can we help spread the Gospel and address the needs of those far away from Vancouver? One way, as a congregation, is to support people and organizations around the world who work in other nations as powerful witnesses to our Lord and Savior, like the following:

Child Beyond International

Founded in 2014 by a small Lutheran church in Hood River, CBI operates a children home for orphans in Guatemala, as well as being frequent host to mission teams from the US. Such teams (GSLC has had sent people three times!)  build homes and cook stoves, work among the people through VBS and service projects, and spend time with the precious children of the hogar. We support CBI financially and hope to send another group down there in the near future.

Mission India

The mission of Mission India is “to see India transformed by the love of Christ,” doing so by equipping Indian Christians to plant reproducing churches. To date, GSLC has paid for the training and support of four church planters, whose work has led to the planting of almost sixty churches. We have also sponsored leaders of Adult Literacy classes and Children’s Bible Clubs in that country. Despite widespread persecution, the lingering effect of Covid, and a host of natural disasters, these faithful leaders continue to make inroads in leading their people to Christ.

Nick & Krystal Pirolo

Working through World Venture, Nick has been training Rwandan pastors through the recently established New Creation Ministries; Krystal helping set up birth centers in the country and getting involved in Women’s groups and gathering. Their continued goal is equipping Rwandan Christians to share the Gospel and meet the needs of those around them.


Alexander Parker

We consider Alex Parker an adopted son of the congregation and are supporting him in his path to ordination through the Synod’s Cross-Cultural Ministry Center. Currently a DCE at Concordia Lutheran Church in Chula Vista, CA, he and his wife Kelsey have launched a food and preaching ministry among the Spanish-speaking homeless people south of San Diego close to the border.  The CMC program entails years of study (along with his work among the people), and we applaud his dedication and faith in pursuing this path.