Why we do what we do in Youth Ministry:
We are committed to equipping youth to become adults in the Christian faith. Followers of Jesus are serving Him, growing in faith, and sharing God’s love with others. We want to mentor youth and teach them what it looks like to follow Jesus, so that after they leave youth group they have a thriving, committed relationship with Christ.
Aspects of Youth Ministry:
- Following Jesus in their everyday lives
- Equipping youth to serve their community
- Spending time in the word learning the ways, words, and works of Jesus
- Building community with fellow youth, youth leaders, and the broader faith community
Regular Activities:
Wednesday Night/Youth Group: Middle School and High School meet from 6:30-8:00 pm
In the summer 6th-12th graders meet from 6:00-8:00 pm unless otherwise noted on the calendar page.
Monthly Service Opportunities or fellowship events