Marriage & Families


Marriage & Families

Why we do what we do in Family Ministry:

God has designed us to be in families. Each family might look different, but God uses families as a powerful place where faith can grow and develop. This is true of families with kids, and families without children. Our goal is to encourage all families spiritually.


  • Helping families or all shapes to embrace God in all aspects of their lives
  • Providing opportunities for all ages to mix together for events, and time in the word
  • Serving our community together
  • Spiritually leading your children

Regular Activities:

Kids For Christ (K.F.C.):

This  is a parent driven ministry for families with 1st-5th graders. We meet once a month. We have lunch together and rotate between service projects, and fellowship events.

Examples of Classes We Offer 

Financial Peace University

Credit card debit, and living paycheck to paycheck are a daily reality for many people. This class will give you hands-on tools to get your finances in order and get control over your spending. 

Love Languages

Have you ever felt like your spouse and you were speaking a different language? This class helps you discover how your spouse prefers to receive love, so that you both can be on the same page.

Spiritual Parenting

How do you create an environment in your home that encourages spiritual growth in your kids? This class focuses on how to equip parents to pass the faith on to their kids. Contact Sara ( ) for information on upcoming classes.  

Love and Logic Parenting Classes

How do you set boundaries for your kids without losing their love? This class is all about how to use natural consequences to teach our kids, without nagging, reminders, or threats. You'll learn valuable techniques to improve communication with your child.  Contact Sara ( ) for information on upcoming classes.  

First Bible

This class is offered every couple of years, and is for 2nd-5th graders and their parents. We work through the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Students are then presented with their first Bible in front of the congregation during worship.